


将代码添加到当前主题函数模板 functions.php 中:

class StickyInCategory {
   * A reference to an instance of this class.
  private static $instance;
   * The array of categories that will have sticky posts moved to the top.
  protected $categories;
   * Returns an instance of this class. 
  public static function get_instance() {
    if ( null == self::$instance ) {
      self::$instance = new StickyInCategory();
    return self::$instance;
   * Initializes the plugin by setting filters and administration functions.
  private function __construct() {
    $this->categories = array();
    // Filter retrieved posts
    add_filter(  'the_posts', array( $this, 'prepend_sticky_posts' ), 10, 2 );
    // Set the 'sticky' class
    add_filter( 'post_class', array( $this, 'set_sticky_post_class' ), 10, 3 );
   * Move sticky posts to the top of the archive listing.
  public function prepend_sticky_posts( $posts, $query ) {
    if ( !is_admin() && is_main_query() ) {
      // Hook to initialise the categories if none specified.
      if ( empty( $this->categories ) ) {
        $this->categories = apply_filters( 'sia_sticky_categories', $this->categories );
      // Only continue if we are viewing a category archive.
      if ( array_key_exists( 'category_name', $query->query_vars ) ) {
        $category_matched = false;
        if ( empty( $this->categories ) ) {
          // If no categories were supplied by the apply_filters() then operate on all categories.
          $category_matched = true;
        else {
          // Check whether the current category is in the list.
          $category_matched = in_array( $query->query_vars['category_name'], $this->categories );
        if ( $category_matched ) {
          // Copied from the bottom of WP_Query::get_posts() in wp-includes/class-wp-query.php
          $sticky_posts = get_option( 'sticky_posts' );
          $num_posts = count( $posts );
          $sticky_offset = 0;
          // Loop over posts and relocate stickies to the front.
          for ( $i = 0; $i < $num_posts; $i++ ) {
            if ( in_array( $posts[ $i ]->ID, $sticky_posts ) ) {
              $sticky_post = $posts[ $i ];
              // Remove sticky from current position
              array_splice( $posts, $i, 1 );
              // Move to front, after other stickies
              array_splice( $posts, $sticky_offset, 0, array( $sticky_post ) );
              // Increment the sticky offset. The next sticky will be placed at this offset.
              // Remove post from sticky posts array
              $offset = array_search( $sticky_post->ID, $sticky_posts );
              unset( $sticky_posts[ $offset ] );
    return $posts;
   * Set the 'sticky' post class. get_post_class() only does it on the home page.
  public function set_sticky_post_class( $classes, $class, $post_ID ) {
    // TODO: Consider whether to reference $this->categories.
    if ( is_archive() && is_sticky( $post_ID ) ) {
      $classes[] = 'sticky';
    return $classes;
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', array( 'StickyInCategory', 'get_instance' ) );

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