WordPress 6.4.3更新,修补了安全漏洞、修正了 21 个问题,请尽快更新

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每个版本的 WordPress 都能赋予您创作自由,WordPress 6.4 也不例外。网站编辑、设计和写作体验的新功能和升级,让您的创意天衣无缝地成形。借助 WordPress 6.4 的灵活性和强大功能,提升您的网站建设之旅。

WordPress 6.4.3

Version 6.4.3

On January 30, 2024, WordPress 6.4.3 was released to the public.

Maintenance & Security updates

WordPress 6.4.3 includes 5 bug fixes on Core, 16 bug fixes for the Block Editor, and 2 security fixes.

The security team would like to thank the following people for responsibly reporting vulnerabilities, and allowing them to be fixed in this release:

m4tuto for finding a PHP File Upload bypass via Plugin Installer (requiring admin privileges).
@_s_n_t of @pentestltd working with Trend Micro Zero Day Initiative for finding an RCE POP Chains vulnerability.

List of files revised


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